ZL2JA Web Revision and Update Page
(Updates for meetings dates not normally shown)
« 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 »2013/02/03 | Fixed the rather annoying problem of having to change the time offset between NZ/US time 4 times a year (When NZ goes to/from daylight saving time, and likewise for the US based server's local time) for the NZ date on the "Listen" page. Also fixed the page "Last Modified" dates, as these are generated from the server's clock too which is the best part of a day behind NZ time (18 hours +/- daylight saving) Thanks to "date_default_timezone_set ('Pacific/Auckland')" "Next Meeting" dates set up to automatically change to the next meeting's date after each meeting. I sometimes forgot change them. "Database" set up to March 2014. Likewise with the date for the "Official Broadcast" on the "Listen" page. So I only have to update then once in a while. |
2013/01/28 | Updated "National System" Maps |
2013/01/26 | Added new photos of the Wanganui 690 repeater installation. |
2013/01/18 | Issued a "take down notice" againt a site that had one of its users claiming to be the author and copyright owner of our "Favicon" icon. ( The item had been removed from the user's list when I checked back the next day. So the matter is now closed. I wouldn't have minded so much, as the icon was correctly named as ZL2JA, just took issue with the author/copyright claim. It's not that it's anything to write home about! |
2013/01/14 | Added minor image magnifying on mouse-over to the footer icons. Done in CSS. |
2013/01/12 | Added "Shoutcast" logo to footer. Added link to "Internet-Radio.com" to the "Listen" page |
2013/01/11 | Some anti-spam measures taken, inc., blocking some small IP ranges where most of the problems have come from. |
2013/01/09 | Added a "Radio Player" and a Pop-Up version of same, to the Listen page. |
2013/01/07 | Deactivated Statcounter! |
2013/01/05 | Installed new stats program "BBClone". The old one, "Statcounter", is an external utility, which I pretty sure is missing a lot of hits. The new one runs completely on this server. "cPanel" has a stat system, but gives WAY to much info, every single hit to every file and image, beside have to be logged in cPanel to view anyway. Update 6-Jan; As suspected, Statcounter is missing a lot of hits. It has misssed 22 hits today so far (12 noon) There was 480 hits from one robot! (Turnitin) Over 400 of which were to the main page. WTF? Update 12-Jan; Seems to be a lot, and I mean a LOT, of robots trying to write entries in the Guestbook. The Catpcha and the 255 character limit has stopped them. (so far!) |
2012/12/28 | Desided that the masthead photgraph was too yellow, and that the framing was off, so reprocessed, recropped, re-colour-corrected it etc, again. |
2012/12/21 | Undated masthead photgraph. (Taken 2012/12/21) |
2012/12/05 | Added to the NZART/Branch 48 Diamond logo in the masthead, a "back to the Homepage" link. November Meeting Minutes added. |
2012/11/14 | "President's Report" links added to 2010 and 2011 AGM Minutes. |
2012/11/10 | October and 2011 AGM Minutes added |
2012/10/01 | Updated Club Officials for 2012-2013. |