Wanganui Branch History
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Report of August 3 public meeting called to form a new radio club the previous Wednesday (3 August 1932) Wanganui Chronicle 6 August 1932 |
(Below) A couple of items, including a report on the new Wanganui NZART Club’s activity since formation two weeks previous, in the Chron’s “Listen In! column Thursday Aug 18 1932 |
Dear Reader, I hope you find a few things of interest in this booklet.
Everything included within is backed by evidence unless otherwise noted.
I have not been able to pin down the actual date of when the ‘Wanganui Amateur. Transmitters’ was set-up, but definitely got the evidence to know when it went out of existence!
The one major itch I haven’t been able to scratch for the last ten years is that in the box below: It would be nice to know the facts!
73 de Barry ZL2RR Editor |
July 1947 minutes records that a Mrs Sutherland was welcomed along to the club meeting. August ’47 recorded an apology against her name. She next appears in the 1948 club photograph. The next mention of her is recorded in the minutes of the March 1961 meeting thus: A suggestion was put forward’ That Mrs Sutherland of Great North Road be made a life member of the Branch.” The thoughts of Mr Rennie ZL2AR were requested as he and members of his family were personal friends of Mrs Sutherland. ZL2AR so moved; carried unanimously! Her name never was recorded in the minutes again
Question.. Who was Mrs Sutherland and what did she do to be accorded this honour. The late Don Sutherland ZL2AJL, Strath ZL2AAJ and Brian ZL2AFW were amongst members back in those days who couldn’t even recall the lady when questioned about her ten years ago!! It would be nice to know something about the Branch’s first life member. |
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