ZL2JA's KiwiSDR Wanganui NZ


This KiwiSDR is part of the ZL2JA Website

The KiwiSDR was first installed in early 2021. With the passing of our Club President early 2022, we lost access to the internet, which required routing through the Club’s website (zl2ja.org.nz).

The KiwiSDR is connected to a T3FD antenna (terminated 3 wire folded dipole) which originally was used for the Mountain Safety Radio network.

It is slung between 2 x wooden 12m high poles about 30m apart. Unfortunately the antenna is only a few metres above a large steel building, which won’t help reception.

The location is about 350 metres from the Wanganui Airport Terminal with a lovely view over the city of Wanganui. Includes a view of Mt. Ruapehu (88km) and Mt. Taranaki (110km) on fine days.

The link to the KiwiSDR was simplified, documented and since its restoration, it has been working really well. Please feel free to take a listen..

Solved issues...

• Severe interference from local NDB on 382kHz – solved by installing a high-pass filter.
• Power surge dropouts freezing KiwiSDR – solved by installing 13.8 – 5v voltage reducer fed off the UHF repeater batteries.

Presently there are 630+ KiwiSDRs worldwide (4/July/2022).

Go to kiwisdr.com/public to see the list or rx.linkfanel.net to see the map.

To access ZL2JA’s KiwiSDR, go to sdr.zl2ja.org:8073
The Wanganui SDR is currently off line.
Here is a list of NZ SDRs 

Here is a demo video of a ham operater in the 20 metre amateur band...

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