'Tune In' to 'Live' Amateur Radio


Tune InListen to the New Zealand 70cm National System.

Click HERE for the Pop-Up Radio Window, and
carry on listening to Ham Radio while surfing The Net.

Recommended Player is: Winamp Winamp

Server Status: Server Off Line.*

Wellington VHF Group's National System Status Page.

Our Entry on Shoutcast. Shoutcast

Our Entry at Internet-Radio.com. Internet Radio

The "Shoutcast" Hardware.

MeowWag Wag

Local NZ Time Is:
Saturday 27th
July 2024

The next NZART Official Broadcast is Sunday the 18th of December 2016 at 2000hrs NZST (0800 UTC), and 2100hrs NZST (0900 UTC).

Listen to The Official Broadcast, 'live' via the net.


* Buffer delay of approx 80+ seconds from "real time"

Packet forwarding on system from around 1am local.

If there's no-one on, you will hear nothing, wait a while someone will show up sooner or later.

^ Occasionally gives a false "Off Line", Click to refresh the page to confirm status...

This Page Updated 4th August 2017
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